"It is not difficult for a careful observer to see the evidence for unconscious processes in other people; it is harder to grasp the reality that we ourselves are inhabited and moved by forces beyond our access or control."

- Nancy McWilliams -

"Reconciling the erotic and the domestic is not a problem to solve but a paradox to manage."

- Esther Perel -

"The power of a secret is that it wants to be told."

- Unknown -

"I have never heard of nothing coming from hard work."

- Uzo Aduba -

"Bad behavior stems from unmet needs."

- Unknown -

"Intrinsic motivation for change arises in an accepting, empowering atmosphere that makes it safe for the person to explore the...present."

- William Miller & Stephen Rollnick -

"As long as you're wanting to be thinner, smarter, more enlightened, less uptight, or whatever it might be,
somehow you're always going to be approaching your problem with the very same logic that created it...
that you're not good enough."

- Pema Chodron -

"Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past."

- Lily Tomlin -

"Anger is so often a byproduct of helplessness because your needs are not expressed...
You have a right to ask for what you want, even though you may not get it."

- Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning -

"What we resist, persists."

- Traditional -

"People are more than the worst thing they have ever done in their lives."

- Sister Helen Prejean -

"The reason we're not often there for others...is that we're not there for ourselves."

- Pema Chodron -

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